Racket is fairly great:), though the setting up procedure is kind of twisted. There is a .dmg installation file in the official website, which makes it quite straightforward to install in the Application folder. And, of course, the DrRacket app is awesome when I accidentally put mouse in one of the variables in the code, and then all its dependencies reveal via arrows.
But I am still used to writing code in vim and testing it in a parallel split window of iterm. I googled the solution, but cannot find a comprehensive one. So, I just list my solution here, which come from either stackoverflow or other persons’ blogs.
- vim syntax and highlight are out there ready for use.
- Adding one command line to ~/.vimrc.
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.rkt set filetype=racket
- Adding the path of executable racket to
.export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/Racket\ v5.3.3/bin/
- If using the existing file, one should delete the first line of code “#lang racket” if existed.
- Optional. Installing rlwrap to make the repl more user friendly.
That is much of it.